Sana Collection

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Accueil > Evénements > Exhibitions 2013

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Event with Café Younes ! 2913

My story with Younes!

I met Younes months ago while going to meet someone else.

My interest was focused on this someone else until I reached Younes and discovered that each of them is Unique as my Handmade Creation is.

How couldn’t Younes be Unique since it’s dated since 1935 and still smells and tastes through its coffee and cakes?

Why couldn’t my story be yours too so you’ll be able to discover Younes and someone else like “Sana’s Collection”?

Does it sound good to you?

Then join us this Wednesday 23rdof January In Hamra branch “Neemat Yafet street” from 12.00 till 9pm,for an exclusive on day event with Café Younes and Sana’s Collection.

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