Sana Collection

Une collection des Bijoux fait main

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Christmas Exhibition from 11 to 24 December 2014vu 110 foisExhibiting during Christmas 2014 at Galaxy Mall with "My Christmas Lebanese Event"01 Février 2015
Christmas Exhibition "The Hand Made Expo 2014" from 27 to 30 November 2014vu 109 foisExhibiting during Christmas 2014 which took place in "Rabweh area"01 Février 2015
Exhibition at the "Salon Francophone de Beyrouth" 2014vu 92 foisExhibiting during the French Book Fair which took place at Biel01 Février 2015
Exhibition "Souk El Tayeb" - Beirut - 3rd & 10th of May 2014vu 118 foisExhibiting The Phoenician Alphabetical Letters collection01 Février 2015
Exhibition in collaboration with "Regina Sneifer 29th March 2014vu 120 foisIn collaboration with the author "Regina Sneifer" for the signature of her book " Bentael Fille de l'alphabet" which took place in Byblos city at "Byblos Cultural Center" 01 Février 2015
The Handmade Expo vu 115 fois04 Janvier 2015
Christmas Exhibition @ Galaxy Mall vu 108 fois04 Janvier 2015
Christmas Exhibition @ Galaxy Mall vu 123 fois04 Janvier 2015
The Handmade Expo vu 101 foisExhibiting of Phoenician letters Collection04 Janvier 2015
Christmas Exhibition @ Galaxy Mall vu 102 fois04 Janvier 2015
Exhibition "Salon Francophone du Livre de Beyrouth 2014"vu 101 foisExhibiting of Phoenician letters Collection as of "Bookmarks"04 Janvier 2015
Sana Collection fête la St. Valentin à l’hôtel de mon Père à Byblos- Fev. 2014vu 112 fois20 Mars 2014
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