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Sana Collection @ In Shape - Biel - Mars 2014vu 115 fois

The Handmade Expo vu 115 fois

One day exhibition !vu 114 fois I would like to invite you to my newest hand made jewellery which take place for just one day at T- Marbouta, Hamra area from 12.am till 10pm ! Hope to see you...!
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Location : T marbouta, Mezzanine facing Cafe ( Hamra main street / Pavillon street - Center (left turn after Eldorado Shopping Center

Sana Collection @ "Art of Living Exhibition" au Forum de Beyrouth- Dec. 2013vu 113 fois

Sana Collection @ In Shape - Biel - Mars 2014vu 112 fois

Sana Collection fête la St. Valentin à l’hôtel de mon Père à Byblos- Fev. 2014vu 112 fois

Sana Collection fête la St. Valentin à l’hôtel de mon Père à Byblos- Fev. 2014vu 111 fois

Sana Collection @ In Shape - Biel - Mars 2014vu 111 fois

vu 111 fois

Christmas Exhibition from 11 to 24 December 2014vu 110 foisExhibiting during Christmas 2014 at Galaxy Mall with "My Christmas Lebanese Event"

Christmas Exhibition "The Hand Made Expo 2014" from 27 to 30 November 2014vu 109 foisExhibiting during Christmas 2014 which took place in "Rabweh area"

Sana Collection @ In Shape - Biel - Mars 2014vu 108 fois
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